999 Event - 2024
Great turnout for Eastbourne 999 this year! All Responders that could possibly get there attended and taught CPR to over 1600 people. A great opportunity to meet the people of Eastbourne Area and explain the work of the Responders and give them the opportunity to learn life saving skills.
Cowbeech Bonfire Society
The Cowbeech Bonfire Society presentation evening at the Merrie Harriers where they made a wonderful donation of £650 towards the replacement of a defibrillator that was stolen from Community Wise in Old Town Eastbourne before Christmas. A lovely evening with many donations given. Well Done and Thank you Cowbeech Bonfire Society
Thanks to Matt Briggs - Founder Member
At our Annual General Meeting on 28th March 2024 Matt, who was one of our Founder Members, was thanked and presented with an inscribed vase in appreciation of starting what is now the thriving Eastbourne First Responders Team. Pictured with his wife Vicky and Secamb's Liason Steph Meech Matt said that without the great support from Vicky it would not have been possible.
Remembrance 2023
As many of the team as were available attended the Remembrance Ceremony to lay a wreath on Sunday 12th November at the Eastbourne Parade. Alongside them in the picture is Bill Pike (in the green) who is an Emergency Care Support Worker at the Polegate Make Ready Centre and the co-ordinator for SECAmb for the event .
The Inaugural SECAmb CFR Conference
Some of the Eastbourne Team at the very first SECAmb CFR conference held weekend of 18th November 2023. Enjoyed by all, networking and listening to Guest Speakers sharing their thoughts and vision for the future development of Community First Responders,